The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

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The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Post by Qqmoreplz »

Just finished watching this movie, (imo) it's absolutely amazing. It's the movie I was talking about in gchat a couple days ago. NBC nightly news did a segment on it too, which made me actually want to sit down and watch it after starting to watch it a day before. Apparently it's supposed to be like the new Twilight or something (in terms of popularity, not content lulz).

For those of you who haven't heard of it yet, it's the first of a swedish trilogy called the Millenium Trilogy. It's unfortunately a Swedish movie as well, but is being reworked into a hollywood adaptation (2011 I think?).

Anyways, it's a crime drama, and it's very well done, after 20 or 30 minutes into 2.5 hour long movie, I stopped even realizing that it wasn't in english. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is literally translated to "Men who Hate Women", which kind of sums up the main theme of the movie.

I don't really want to spoil the story, but if anybody has netflix and like crime dramas, you can watch it on or order the dvd from them if you have an account. I'm sure you could find it in stores too, but it might be harder because it's a Swedish film, however it was released only in 2009 so it's still new.
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