Please don't boot Inkist out of the guild as I do plan on reactivating when time frees up.
The good news is I was sat next to Samwise Didier in Artist alley this year and we really bonded. So much so that he requested to be sat next to me again at next years show. An open invitation to blizzard for lunch and a preview of the Irvine offices was also given.
I'm good friends with about 8 people who work everywhere from Q/A to voice acting and even Cristian Lichtner the lead Art director on Diablo 3 (whom I worked with on both Aphrodite 9 and soul Saga back in the 90's).
if all goes well looks like I may be app'ing for a job as a conceptual Artist down there.
On a side note, and please keep this low key it turns out there is a Blizz employee guild on Rexxar. "Barely Adequate", I laughed when I was told by Hamilton (one of the character concept Artists) since I tanked a BH for them a couple weeks ago on my DK Hamhands. Told him "your holy Pally owes me for Tier Gloves"

Small world.
Anywho, see you all in a couple months and if you want to contact me or check out my Art I can be found on