I'm sure nobody cares.

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I'm sure nobody cares.

Post by Rayne »

It started out as a college assignment. It turned into nothing, I got bored at work and started using it again.
I'm talking about my website. I am reluctantly allowing you guys to know I even have a website.

I could use more traffic to it, I'm trying to break the 100 visitors in 1 day mark, so far I have gotten as close as 74.
Share it on FB, tweet me, do whatever, or just look at it yourself. It doesn't suck.

If you hate me there is a section on the site to show how much you hate me.
The Peters Challenge will allow you to tell me 4 gross things to put together in a blender and drink. It is a lot of fun, so feel free to challenge me.

Other than that it is a shameful plug to help me find a job and a place to think my thoughts.

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The Exiled
The Exiled
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Re: I'm sure nobody cares.

Post by Vathral »

i saw it, but it seems a little over the place, was trying to get a handle of everything, though I swore you've shown it to us before, haven't you?
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